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New project outputs: three country case studies

As part of the JTPac Project we produced three country case studies – each focused on a particular Energy Transition Metal (ETM) sourced from a given Pacific country: Papua New Guinea (copper), New Caledonia (nickel) and Cook Islands (cobalt in polymetallic manganese nodules). The case studies offer a closer examination of distributive, procedural and restorative justice issues that accompany increased pressure to extract ETMs found in the Pacific for global renewable energy technologies:

In considering distributive, procedural and restorative justice issues in the three case studies we have found that:

  • Unpicking a ‘single’ justice issue around the extraction of ETMs in the Pacific necessitates an approach than can penetrate multiple dimensions, and that is sensitive to historical contexts (past, present and future), political processes across a scale of individual and collective aspirations.
  • There is a need for a wider view of just transition in relation to ETM extraction – as a plural, multidirectional and multifaceted process that links global actions and aspirations with local realities and impacts, and that fully appreciates how all justice dimensions converge in the energy-extraction nexus.